Monday, October 23, 2006

Marris Farms Pumpkin Patch

Last Friday we went to the Marris Farms pumpkin patch with Keri's Mom's daycare group. 16 kids running around a farm, with 6 parents chasing after them. It was mayhem. Chaotic fun. Actually, it wasn't that bad.

There was plenty to keep the kids occupied;
They had a tractor that pulled 12 little cow cars around a psuedo-bmx track,
a giant milk carton that the kids could climb up into and peek out the top,
a giant corn maze that had a secret shortcut for the little ones,
a quarter-mile hay ride around the pumpkin patch,
and a petting zoo.

Here is our family picture.

This was the goat walk. See the goat at the top of the picture? They have a little feed vending machine at the bottom of the picture to the right. Plop in a quarter, get some feed, put it in the cup, and run it up the flagpole to the goat. The girls are here with Auntie Trisha doing the hard labor around the farm.

And then a great picture of Allie picking out her pumpkin.

It was such a great day. We couldn't have asked for a nicer, warmer day in October.


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