Sunday, October 08, 2006

San Diego 9/15 through 9/25

It's been awhile since we got back, and I've wanted to update the blog but just haven't found the time. So, here are a couple of pics that might get me motivated to write a bit more.

This was at my Aunt Nancy's house in Alpine, CA, just east of San Diego. We love it there and the girls could swim all day. Here is one of the pictures of 'The Flying Orozco's'.

And another one of Kiki.

Here are some of the pictures from a picnic we had with my Dad's side of the family.

And another one of the kiddies.

Pictures of the Disney trip and Ensenada should be coming soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jealous! Andy's sister is in San Diego now. It would be fun to try and coordinate simultaneous trips sometime. ;)

1:46 PM  

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