Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Vaporettis in Paradise

After breakfast we decided to walk around a bit. The sun was out, although, I would say it was around 40 degrees, 50 in the sun. We walked around the tip of Dorsoduro which is our little suburb.

Another Gondola
Along the way, we found a nice little Gondola. We told the guy that we only had 30 euro. He said that he normally charges 80-100 euro for an hour trip, but that he would take us on a mini trip for 30. We agreed and took a nice trip around part of the island, by ourselves. It was much more enjoyable than last time. Three things. One, never talk to the Gondoleri's that are located on the Grand Canal. We found this guy off of the main drag just getting started for the day. Two, tell them you only have a certain amount of money and let them decide if they want to take you and agree to the price. Three, don't pay until the end.

It was much more romantic this time around and we didn't have to worry about getting screwed.

After our gondola ride, we walked around town a bit and decided to hop on a vaporetti (Water Bus) to the bus station. We figured it would be a dry run to check out how we would get to the airport. We ended up taking a vaporetti to the bus station, and then walked back through the city. We weren't trying to go back to the hotel, but ended up going back there anyway. We found a nice little tavern down the street for lunch.

After lunch, we hopped on another vaporetti going the other way around the north end of the island to Morano. We ended up hopping off and walking around a bit. It was very quiet and peaceful as there really weren't that many people on the streets. We took a short tour of a very beautiful church.

We hopped back onto another vaporetti for the trip back. It was a great way to see the island from a different perspective. Although, because we were sitting in the back seats, that were not covered, we got our share of diesel fumes. By the time we got off, we felt a bit queasy but recovered after a couple blocks of walking.

steps today. Although, I'm typing this at 6PM so we'll probably walk a bit more tonight. Not much though as we want to stay fresh for our 11AM flight tomorrow.

We got some great chocolate bars in Italy. I looked them up on the net.

Everyone smokes here! There is always the smell of smoke in the outside air. There were even several times where people were smoking in the restaurants. I can't imagine what the place was like before the indoor smoking ban was put into place.

We come home! We are both very excited to go home. We both agree that 12 days was a bit much and that 10 would have been perfect. Next time we'll bring the girls so maybe we'll stay for longer. But then again, how much museums can you really absorb.


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