Friday, March 03, 2006

Walking in Florence

Finding a Routine
Wake up early, have breakfast at the hotel, go have a caffè lattè, and then walk around. The lattè part is nice, although, I wish they had to-go cups. What I would do for a Starbucks! The hotel we are staying at has a lousy breakfast. Bad coffee and warm yogurt. Tomorrow, we'll get a pastry or something at one of the shops where we get our lattè.

The streets here are fantastic. Narrow cobblestone streets are everywhere. Walking around the city has been an experience. Here is a picture of one of the streets to our hotel.

In the morning, we went to look for a store that sold fuses for our voltage converter. We blew out our converter in Rome when Keri used it for her curling iron.

Uffizi gallery
We went to the Uffizi Gallery today. Cameras were not allowed so I wasn't able to get any pictures of the gallery. Too bad because they had some beautiful paintings. We purchased an audio guide for this gallery. The audio guide would describe several paintings in each room. It was great starting out, but near the end it was confusing as you could never tell what painting they were describing. The reservations worked out nicely as the line to get without reservations was very long, probably 100 people. We were a 5 minutes late getting our tickets, but that didn't seem to matter as they let us right in.

You can tell we are in Italy when the traffic cops are stylin. Even the men had to wear these white purses. We found out later, although not from experience, that the purses held their traffic tickets.

The Language
I love the sounds of the Italian language. Italians talk very passionately. We've noticed many instances when groups appear to be arguing when they talk to each other.

Laundry Day
This is the first time I have ever had to do laundry on a vacation. It was fairly easy and we ended up walking around while the clothes were washing and drying. The instructions were't too hard to follow, although we ended up loosing a couple of Euros when the vending machines didn't work.

This is the picture of one of the many arches around the neighborhood.

steps today and no nap. By the end of the day, we could really feel it.

We have a reservation at the Accedemia and then plan to hop a train to go to Pisa. The trip there takes about an hour. Our hotel operator tells us that it is best if we go on our own as the Leaning Tower is the only interesting site there. I've been pretty excited to go to Pisa.


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