Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Blackberry Bricked Badly

While we were in San Diego, my BlackBerry stopped working. I think it was because it had gotten wet while we were at Aunt Nancy's (by the jacuzzi, incidentally, but long story). The scroll wheel and the keyboard stopped working. After much fiddling, I ended up giving up on the darn thing. It still had power, and I could receive calls, but I couldn't access my email or make calls. It was basically worthless. It was a work phone, so when I came back, I ordered another one. Two days before my new BlackBerry came, this happened.

I was constantly fiddling with it hoping that the phone would start working again. I had the phone in my right hand and pressed the cancel button on the right hand. I guess I squeezed too hard and the screen popped, went blank, and then this 'burn hole' showed up on the screen. It was bricked at this point.

You really get a feeling how addicted you are to your phone when you absoluetly have to go without it for an extended period.


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