Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Finally we have grass growing in our front yard. This picture shows the yard about 3 weeks from the time that I seeded it. We still have a long way to go. But it does feel good that it is finally coming in.

I had to prep the yard with topsoil. That was a joy. It took about two weekends to get the topsoil, and level it out. The yard has to be really level or else you get puddles when it gets wet (learned by experience). I then laid down some seed and covered it with peat moss. We were disappointed that the seed didn't come up within the first week, but slowly, over about three weeks, it is finally becoming green if you look at it at the right angle.

Keri likes how she doesn't have to water it anymore now that it is raining so much. But there are still some bare spots that we'll have to patch up next spring.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure this isn't a photo of a park? :) I'll be inviting us over to play soon.

10:53 AM  

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