Thursday, November 08, 2007

Kiki Counting to 20

I'm trying to teach Kiki how to count to 20 correctly. She has a habit of missing some of the numbers between 13 and 17. So tonight, I gave her some incentive. If she counted to 20 without help from Daddy or Allie, she could have a candy bar from her Halloween candy.

It didn't take too many unsuccessful tries for her to get frustrated to tears, but she was getting close. So before she was able to get it right, I took this video hoping to catch her last miss. I was able to catch her missing the number 17 and it's so cute. At the end of the video she also says twenty-ten for thirty.

The very next video I took of her she was able to count up to 20. I pointed the display at her when I was taking the video and that seemed to perk her up enough to forget what she was doing wrong.

She chose a sucker instead of a candy bar.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Kris Kringl and Leavenworth

This is Allie's favorite store in Leavenworth, Kris Kringl. We went there 4 times in 2 days. The last time, I took pictures of her in all of her favorite parts of the store.

This is Allie typing: I like this store because there's lots of December stuff. There's lots of fake Santas and lots of pretty ornaments.
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