Thursday, July 12, 2007

Three Piggies Opera

This is a scene from the school play that Allie did. She was Mommie Pig. As soon as she started to sing, Keri and I both teared up. So darn cute. The video is priceless.

Allie loves to sing. She sings all the time. My current playlist is Art Brut, Bang Bang Rock and Roll and Allie loves it. Anyone have any other suggestions for good sing along music, let me know. Anything catchy but edgy. I get tired of singing Disney all the time.

Hiking out back

We took a hike in the woods behind our house and it was a bit longer than we expected. The total hike took around two hours. At about the same time that Kiki wanted to take a nap. I had her in this position for about 30 minutes. Not sure if she was sore, but she hasn't wanted to go for another hike since:(

Bad, Bad Computer

The computer was on the fritz. Fried motherboard. Took awhile to get the problem diagnosed. PCE Computing did the diagnosis for free as long as I purchased any hardware from them. Considering that purchasing a new motherboard was out of the question, I decided to buy a surplused Dell tower from Boeing Surplus. Nice specs and only $150.

When the old computer started to go south, I had a difficult time messing with XP. Of course, the problem was hardware related, but the experience was enough to make me want to switch careers out of computers. But instead, I made the switch over to Ubuntu. I know I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I was really impressed with the interface. It doesn't work with all of my hardware, but I set up a vmware server XP image for those tasks that need windows. The rest is running on Ubuntu.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I'm back online now, and have access to my photos again. I'm going to catch-up on some posts.